



Huaneng Asset Management Co., Ltd., as the Sponsor, is now conducting the “Solicitation of Proposals for the Conceptual Architecture Design of the Huaneng Xiongan Project.” Design agencies worldwide with related planning and design experience are publicly invited to participate and submit the Application Documents for Prequalification (hereinafter referred to as Application Documents). The Sponsor will select five final applicants as Participants for solicitation of proposals and for them to further submit their design proposals for response.

1. 項目概況

1. Project Brief


Project Name: The Solicitation of Proposals for the Conceptual Architecture Design of the Huaneng Xiongan Project.


Project Location: Near the Xiongan City Terminal and Xiongan High-speed Railway Station in the Boot Area of Xiongan New Area of Hebei Province.


Project Size: The project land is divided into four plots, with a planned area of approximately 53,740 square meters and a total construction area of approximately 350,000 square meters, of which the total above-ground construction area is approximately 258,000 square meters. The overview of plots is as follows:


Plot 1: The planned area is approximately 14,360 square meters, and the plot used is almost in a square shape, with a length of about 125 meters from east to west and south to north. The land is used for commercial service industry, and the regulatory plan requires a floor area ratio of 5-7 and a building height of 100-150 meters. The total construction area is about 110,000 square meters (with an above-ground construction area of 86,000 square meters), including 500 square meters of a municipal logistics center and 1,500 square meters of a public transportation hub.


Plot 2: The planned area is about 1,242 square meters, and the plot is almost in a rectangle shape. It is used for green space and squares of urban parks.


Plot 3: The planned area is about 15,988 square meters, and the plot used is almost in a trapezoid shape, with a length of about 105 meters from south to north, 134 meters on the north side, and 185 meters on the south side. The land is used for commercial service industry, and the regulatory plan requires a floor area ratio of 2.5-5 and a building height of 45-100 meters. The total construction area is about 120,000 square meters (with an above-ground construction area of 90,000 square meters).


Plot 4: The planned area is approximately 22,150 square meters, and the plot used is almost in a trapezoid shape, with a length of about 105 meters from south to north, 185 meters on the north side, and 225 meters along the east-west axis on the south side. The land is used for commercial service industry, and the regulatory plan requires a floor area ratio of 2.5-5. The urban design requires that the height of the buildings along the east-west axis should be controlled between 45-60 meters. The total construction area is about 120,000 square meters (with an above-ground construction area of 82,000 square meters).


Design Task: Conceptual architectural design.


Method of Solicitation: Open Solicitation


Period of solicitation and design: Around 60 days.

2. 主辦單位及征集組織機構

2. Sponsor and Organizer of Solicitation


Sponsor: Huaneng Asset Management Co., Ltd.

征集組織機構: 北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司

Organizer of Solicitation: Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.

3.   征集聯系

3. Contact of Solicitors


Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.


Address: Building No. 6, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu, Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing


Post Code: 100089


Attention: Xing Yali, Zhu Xiaofeng, Yang Zhiyuan, and Liang Ying


Tel.: 86-10-82575137—285/264


Fax: 86-10-82575840


E-mail: kjysanbu@163.com

4.   應征申請人的資格

4. Eligibility and Qualifications of Applicants


4.1 The participating applicant (hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant”) shall be a legal entity that has been legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a project consortium composed of legal entities that have been legally incorporated in accordance with laws; Individual or team of individuals will not be accepted.


4.2 The Applicant must have the professional technical abilities of architectural design.


4.2.1 The Applicants within the People's Republic of China shall provide a Class A qualifications for the architectural industry (architectural engineering) design or above.


4.2.2 The Applicants outside the People's Republic of China should have a practice license or business license for architectural design in accordance with the national or local administrative regulations. Any design agency outside the People's Republic of China must apply in conjunction with a design institution in the People’s Republic of China. The qualification requirements for design agencies in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan should refer to the provisions on the qualification requirements for overseas design agencies.


4.3 The project leader (chief architect) of any Applicant must be a designer who has a Class 1 registered architect qualification and has presided over a design project similar to this Project in terms of architectural function and nature in the Applicant.


4.4 The Consortium is accepted in this Project.


4.5 Except for partners of a Consortium, the Participants in the solicitation shall not constitute or bear any affiliations.

5. 資格預審文件的獲取

5. Obtaining Prequalification Documents


The prequalification documents for this project can be downloaded from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction &Tender Co., Ltd.


Applicants who intend to participate in the solicitation for design proposals must first download the registration form from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. (m.58xda1.cn). After completing the registration form, applicants should email the Word version to kjysanbu@163.com or submit it to Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. After receiving the registration form, the Organizer of Solicitation will send the download password of the prequalification documents to the applicants.

獲取資格預審文件的時間為2021年10269:002021112日17:00 (中國北京時間,下同)。北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司網站將于202110月26日上午9:00開通。

The time for obtaining prequalification documents is from 9:00 on October 26, 2021 to 17:00 on November 2, 2021 (Beijing Time, the same below). The website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. will be open from 9:00 a.m. on October 26, 2021.

6. 申請文件的遞交

6. Submission of Application Documents


The deadline for submission of application documents is 17:00 on November 8, 2021, and Applicants shall submit such documents to the Organizer of Solicitation before the deadline. The Sponsor and the Organizer of Solicitation will reject any application documents that arrive after the specified deadline.

7. 資格預審公告發布媒體

7. Media Releasing Announcement on Prequalification


The Announcement will be released on www.cebpubservice.com (China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform), www.ccgp.gov.cn (website of Chinese government procurement), http://ec.chng.com.cn (an e-commerce platform of China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd.), and m.58xda1.cn (website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.) at the same time. The amendment and supplement of the Announcement shall be subject to the contents released via the websites aforementioned.

8. 其它條款

8. Miscellaneous


8.1 Intellectual Property

8.1.1 本次方案征集接收的所有有效的應征文件均不退回。

8.1.1 All valid response proposals received in this solicitation will not be returned.

8.1.2 應征人對其應征設計文件享有署名權,在征得主辦單位書面同意后可通過傳播媒介、專業雜志、書刊或其他形式評價、展示其應征設計文件的相關內容。除應征人的設計標準、設計導則和繪圖元素以外,應征人不得將應征設計文件及設計成果用于其他的設計項目。

8.1.2 The Participant holds the right of authorship for its Design Proposal and can comment on and display such Design Proposals in the forms of media communications, trade magazines, publications among others after granted with the Sponsor’s consent in writing. Participant shall not use the design documents and Design Proposals on other design projects, except the Participant’s design standards, design guides and principles, and drawing elements.

8.1.3 應征人應保證提交的應征設計文件及設計成果在中國境內或境外沒有且不會侵犯任何其他人的知識產權(包括但不限于著作權、專利權)或專有技術或商業秘密。應征人應保證,如果其應征設計文件使用或包含任何其他人的知識產權或專有技術或商業秘密,應征人應已經獲得權利人的合法、有效、充分的授權。應征人因侵犯他人知識產權或專有技術或商業秘密所引起的全部賠償責任應由應征人承擔。

8.1.3 Participants shall ensure that all the submitted application documents and Design Proposals have not infringed upon and will not infringe upon IPR (including but not limited to copyright and patent right) or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others within or outside the People’s Republic of China. Participants shall guarantee that if their Design Proposals use or include IPR or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others, the Participants shall have already obtained legitimate, valid and sufficient authorization from the right holders. The Participants shall take all liabilities for any compensations arising from infringement upon IPRs or know-how or trade secrets of others.

8.1.4 主辦單位可以對所有應征設計文件及設計成果印刷、出版和展覽,并可通過傳播媒介、專業雜志、書刊或其他形式評價、展示、宣傳應征設計文件及設計成果,但應注明設計機構的名稱。

8.1.4 The Sponsor can print, publish and exhibit all the application documents and Design Proposals, or comment on, display and publicize the application documents and Design Proposals via media communications, trade magazines, publications or by other means. The precondition is indication of the name of design institutions for such design.


8.1.5 After the Sponsor signs the design contract with the Participant who is awarded the contract of architectural engineering proposal design, the Sponsor or project implementation unit shall have the right to use its Design Proposal in the construction project.

8.1.6 主辦單位或項目實施單位或獲得建筑工程方案設計合同的應征人使用其他應征人的應征設計方案的,應當事先征得該應征人的書面同意,并按規定支付使用費。未經相關應征人書面許可,主辦單位或項目實施單或者設計人不得擅自使用其他應征人的應征設計方案。

8.1.6 If the Sponsor or project implementation unit or the Participant who is awarded the contract of architectural engineering proposal design uses the Design Proposals by other Participants, they shall obtain such Participants’ prior written consent and pay the usage fee as required. Without the written permission of the relevant Participants, the Sponsor or project implementation unit or the Designer shall not use the Design Proposals by other Participants without authorization.


8.2 Compensations for Design Proposals


The Sponsor will pay compensations for Design Proposals to Participants who have submitted valid response proposals at the specified time in accordance with the requirements of the solicitation documents. The amount is RMB 1.5 million (including tax). However, for the Participant who is awarded the contract of architectural engineering proposal design, the Sponsor will no longer pay any compensation for its Design Proposal. In case of the following conditions, the Sponsor will not pay the compensation:

(1) 應征人未按規定時間提交應征文件;

(1) Participants fail to submit the application documents within the specified time;

(2) 應征人提交的應征文件經專家委員會評審被認定為未對征集文件要求作出實質性響應;

(2) The application documents submitted by Participants are judged, upon the review of the Committee of Experts, as not substantially responding to the requirements of the solicitation documents;

(3) 應征人被取消應征資格。

(3) Participants are disqualified.


8.3 Awards Settings


Three winning prizes for the solicitation of Design Proposals. The prize money for each winner is RMB 150,000 (including tax). However, the three winning Participants shall deepen and improve their design proposals according to the in-depth design requirements of the Sponsor, and for the Participant who is awarded the contract of architectural engineering proposal design, the Sponsor will no longer pay any prize money.


8.4 Follow-up work for the solicitation


The Sponsor will select the winning Design Proposals of the Huaneng Xiongan project from the high-quality response proposals and award the contract of architectural engineering proposal design. After the contract is signed, the Sponsor can use the Design Proposals in the implementation of this Project. This Project is implemented in different stages. The design tasks are released by stages according to the construction plan of each plot, and the proposal design fees are paid by stages according to the implementation status of each plot.


8.5 Governing Laws


The solicitation per se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.


8.6 Languages


The language used in the Prequalification Documents and any supplement and clarification documents thereto shall be Chinese and English. Application Documents shall be drafted in Chinese. Another language can be used for the proof documents that the Applicant provides along with the Application Documents and printed documents, but the version with Chinese translation shall be attached thereto. In the event of any discrepancy, Chinese shall prevail.


8.7 Power of Interpretation


The Sponsor reserves the power of final interpretation in view of the solicitation.


Bidding Center

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